Members of the RIFT Admin team had a very cordial video meeting with the European Commission on 8 March 2024.
The EU Commission representatives we met act as a “guardian” of the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and help to make sure that it is properly implemented.
Specialists at the EU Commission handle complaints and concerns and they proactively work with Member States.
Here are some key points covered during the meeting:
A WA update for France including:
Outstanding Withdrawal Agreement Residence Permits (WARPs)
The escalation system
Travel documents for minors
WARPs for those reaching 18 years of age (and 16/17 in some circumstances)
Permanent rights cards
Family reunification processes
The definition of dependents
WARP renewals and possible risks:
UKNs not registered in the system correctly and online system issues
How to help the vulnerable
Paperwork and processing requirements
Issues for Cross border workers
Long Term Residents Cards
The EU Commission representatives are eager to help resolve all the issues RIFT raised and have asked for a report which we’ll have on their desks for Monday morning.
Even before reading our report (which may result in further actions) we understand they will explore what each Member State will require for supporting documents for renewals and they will work on a guidance document which may serve as a reminder for Member States on the correct interpretation of the WA. This document will be in all EU languages including French
Do let us know if you have an issue you would like us to raise with the EU Commission